- 市场学专业英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 习惯认知周期 Habit-perception cycle
- 讲价及谈判 Haggling and negotiation
- 不妥协销售 Hard-sell
- 危险性物质商标法案 Hazardous Substances Labeling Act
- 效果之层次 Hierarchy of effects (see buyer readiness stages)
- 行销政策之层次 Hierarchy of marketing policies
- 促销效果之层次 Hierarchy of promotional effects
- 强迫推销术 High-pressure salesmanship
- 强迫式销售 High-pressure selling
- 均质市场 Homogeneity,of markets
- 水平式购买 Horizontal buy
- 水平式通路 Horizontal channels
- 水平式竞争 HorizOntal Competition
- 水平式作广告 Horizontal cooperative advertising
- 水平式统合 Horizontal integration
- 水平式行销系统 Horizontal marketing systems
- 逐户销售 House-to-house selling
- 家庭宴会销售 Houseparty selling
- 哈佛德一西斯购买行为模型 Howard-Sheth model of buyer behavior
- 人类行为 Human behavior
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