- 市场学专业英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 销售预测的确认 Identified for sales forecasting
- 形像广告 Image Advertising
- 销售形像 Image of selling
- 反复式行销 Imbricative Marketing
- 模仿订价 Imitative Pricing
- 不完全竞争 Imperfect competition
- 隐藏性成本 Implicit Costs
- 隐藏性促销津贴 Implicit promotional allowance
- 街动式购买 Impulse buying
- 商店内之推销员 In-store salesmen
- 激励工资计画 Incentive wage plans
- 不完全最佳之市场计画 Incompleteoptimization in market planning
- 新增广告拨款法 Incremental approach,advertising appropriation
- 新增成本 Incremental costs
- 新增销售方法 Incremental sales method
- 独立杂货店联盟 Independent Grocers' Alliance (IGA)
- 独立商店 Independent stores
- 销售活动指数 Index of sales activity
- 间接行动广告 Indirect-action advertising
- 个别品牌 Individual brands,
- 新推销员的座右铬 Indoctrination of new salesman
- 诱导式投资 Induced investment
- 产业的广告 Industrial advertising
- 产业购买者 Industrial buyers
- 产业采购模式 Industrial buying model
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