- 英汉《营销学》常用词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 巩固 refocus
- 退款 refunds
- 拒绝经营 refusal to deal
- 回归分析法 regression analysis
- 管制 regulation
- 相关/同心多元化 related/concentric diversification
- 相关式垂直营销系统 relational VMSs
- 衰退市场的相对吸引力 relative attractiveness of declining markets
- 相对市场潜力 relative market potential
- 相对市场份额 relative market share
- 可靠性 reliability
- 重复购买行为 repeat purchase behavior
- 重复 repetition
- 重新定位产品 repositionings
- 需求计划 requirements planning
- 中间商 reseller
- 常驻采购员 resident buyers
- 资源配置 resource allocation/deployment
- 反应策略 response strategies
- 传播响应 response to communication
- 反应型新产品开发战略 responsive strategy
- 响应性 responsiveness
- 零售范围战略 retail coverage strategy
- 零售指数 Retail Index
- 零售店 retail outlets