- 英汉《营销学》常用词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 太平洋电气 Pacific Electric
- 包装 packaging
- 专家小组 panel of experts
- 渊源 parentage
- 交换中的各方 parties involved
- 支出控制 pay-off control
- 支付条款 payment terms
- 渗透定价 penetration pricing
- 百事可乐 Pepsi-Cola
- 顾客感知价值 perceived customer value
- 感知到的质量 perceived quality
- 感知到的价值 perceived value
- 销售额百分比促销预算法 percentage of sales promotion budgeting method
- 消费者感知/理解 perceptions of consumers
- 感知(产品)定位 perceptual (product) pisitioning
- 感知图 perceptual map
- 感知组织 perceptual organization
- 感性的警惕 perceptual vigilance
- 功能 performance
- 业绩标准 performance dimension
- 业绩评估 performance evaluation
- 表现/业绩测度 performance measures
- 绩效目标 performance objective
- 绩效标准 performance standards
- 非持久性 perishability
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