- 财经英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 非现金投资所得的资产 non-cash acquisition
- 非现金资产 non-cash assets
- 没有现金支出限额的分目 non-cash-limited subhead
- 无证书股份 non-certificated share
- 非结算会员 non-clearing member
- 非抵押衍生认股权证 non-collateralized derivatives warrant
- 不符合要求的投标 non-conforming tender
- 非消费项目 non-consumption item
- 非累积的可赎回优先股 non-cumulative redeemable preference share
- 非经营合伙人 non-dealing partner
- 非全权委托户口;非全权代客买卖账户 non-discretionary account
- 不可分配的储备金 non-distributable reserve
- 非必需品 non-essentials
- 非执行董事;非执行理事 non-executive director
- 无息负债证明书 non-interest-bearing certificate of indebtedness
- 无息债务证券 non-interest-bearing debt securities
- 无息票据 non-interest-bearing note
- 不干预政策 non-interventionism
- 非与投资挂钩的人寿保单 non-investment-linked life insurance policy
- 定期存款 non-liquid form of deposit
- 非上市公司 non-listed company
- 非会员股东 non-member shareholder
- 非货币黄金;非作货币用途的黄金 non-monetary gold
- 不可转让提单;非流通提单 non-negotiable bill of lading
- 不可转让的无息期票 non-negotiable, non-interest-bearing promissory note