- 财经英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 国民西敏寺银行 National Westminster Bank plc
- 《关于解决国家与他国国民之间的投资争端的公约》 Nations of Other States
- 美国众国银行 NationsBank, National Association
- 本地银行付款令票 native bank order
- 业务性质 nature of business
- 近似货币;准货币 near money
- 近乎专利;近乎垄断 near monopoly
- 莱利亚洲有限公司 Nedcor Asia Limited
- 利淡因素;不利因素 negative factor
- 负增长 negative growth
- 负利息 negative interest
- 负利率 negative interest rate
- 可转让;可流转 negotiable
- 可转让提单;流通提单 negotiable bill of lading
- 可转让存款证 negotiable certificate of deposit
- 可转让债务票据 negotiable debt instrument
- 可转让票据;可流转票据 negotiable instrument
- 可转让信用证;流通信用证 negotiable letter of credit
- 可流转的票据 negotiable paper
- 可流转证券 negotiable securities
- 可流转的抵押品 negotiable security
- 议付银行 negotiating bank
- 净额;净值;实额 net
- 额外免税实额 net additional allowance
- 可接纳资产净值 net admissible assets