删除估价册内物业通知书 Notice of Deletion付款通知书 notice of demand有关缴存款项的通知 notice of deposit不兑现通知 notice of dishonour有关拟宣布摊还债款的通知 notice of intended dividend拟发还偿款予债权人及拟申请撤销接管令通告 Notice of Intended Payment to Creditors and Intended
Application to Recission of Receiving Order拟修正估价册记录通知书 Notice of Intention to Amend Valuation List拟评定补加税的通知书 Notice of Intention to Assess Additional Tax临时估价通知书 Notice of Interim Valuation反对通知书 notice of objection个人入息课税通知书 Notice of Personal Assessment应课差饷租值通知书 Notice of Rateable value修订评税通知书 Notice of Revised Assessment公司更改地址通知书 Notice of Situation转让通告 notice of transfer估价通知书 Notice of Valuation须具报的权益 notifiable interest须予公布的交易 notifiable transaction汇票的拒付记录 noting of bills按薪级中点估计的年薪值 notional annual mid-point salary已拨用的按薪级中点估计的年薪值 notional annual mid-point salary committed已动用的按薪级中点估计的年薪值 notional annual mid-point salary spent按薪级中点估计的年薪开支 notional annual salary cost at mid-point估计费用;名义成本 notional cost估计的中点费用 notional mid-point cost 语际翻译 版权所有
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