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威尔逊行政学之研究中英对照版    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


下面是巴奇霍特先生对于行政管理中新旧方式之间的差别所做的生动而独辟蹊径径的描述:    Here is Mr. Bagehot’s graphic, whimsical way of depicting the difference between the old and the new in administration:
当然,说到这里,我们的例证便是英国和我们自己的国家。在安茹王朝时代,当宪法生活还没有因“大宪章”而生根发芽的时候,由于亨利二世精明、勤奋和进取,并且有不折不挠的精神和愿望,开始自觉而有力地展开了法制和行政改革。在英国也跟在其它国家一样,国王的首创性似乎注定要按照自己的意志来铸就政府发展方向。但是,轻举妄动而又犹豫不定的理查德以及软弱而卑鄙的约翰却并不像他们的先人那样是实现这种计划的人物。在他们在位的年代里,行政管理的发展被有关宪法的斗争所取代了。在任何一位具备实践天才或者开明胸怀的英国君王替国家的行政机关设计出精确而持久的模式之前,“议会”已经扮演了国王的角色。    Here, of course, our examples are England and our own country. In the days of the Angevin kings, before constitutional life had taken root in the Great Charter, legal and administrative reforms began to proceed with sense and vigor under the impulse of Henry II’s shrewd, busy, pushing, indomitable spirit and purpose; and kingly initiative seemed destined in England, as elsewhere, to shape governmental growth at its will. But impulsive, errant Richard and weak, despicable John were not the men to carry out such schemes as their father’s. Administrative development gave place in their reigns to constitutional struggles; and Parliament became king before any English monarch had had the practical genius or the enlightened conscience to devise just and lasting forms for the civil service of the state.
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