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《成功之钥》中英对照励志语录    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


这四个人最后形成卡内基王国的核心人物,他们组成了一个智囊团(请参阅下一章),他们四个人筹足了为达到目 标所需要的资金,而最后他们每个人也都成为巨富。    These four people became the nucleus of Carnegie's empire.They formed a mastermind group,the subject of the next chapter.Together they were able to find the capital necessary to pursue Carnegie's obsession,and each of them made vast fortune as result.
以上14种情绪,正是你人生计划成功或失败的关键, 他们的组合,既能意义非凡,又能够混乱无章,完全由你决定。    These fourteen emotions are the letters of the alphabet with which you will write your plan for success or failure.They can be combined meaningfully or chaotically.
想像一下一组业务代表开会的情形,他们可能会对共同 目标做出决议,但是,如果能以一天或一个周末的时间,听 取并采纳他们对计划的意见,以加强他们的坚毅信念,就能 使他们免除情绪的压抑,并渴望达到目标。    Think about a group of sales reps brought together for a conference.They may arrive in general agreement about their goals,but a day or a weekend spent reinforcing their determination,listening to and incorporating their suggestions for the plan at hand,will send them away fired up and eager to achieve their goals.
把你的心智想像成是一座贮存你潜在力量的贮存库,你现在应学习从库中释放适当数量的力量,并将它导引到正确方向,这就是自律的本质。    Think of your mind as a reserveoir in which you have been storing up potential power. You will now learn to release that power in precise quantities and specific directions. This is the essence of self-discipline.
但这并不是说要对那些向你说“不”的人挥动拳头,而是 说不要接受那些反对意见,而要尽一切努力改变反对者的心意,或者你应该反躬自省,看看你有什么做得不对的地方并加 以改进,有的时候逆境反而是一种检验的机会,它可提供使自 己更进步的方法。?    This doesn't mean taking a swing at the fellow who tells you no.It does mean not accepting that refusal and bringing every faculty you have to bear on changing that person's mind. Or you may have to take a hard look at yourself,find the error you made, and resolve then and there to correct it. Sometimes adverse circumstances are testing devices,providing means by which you may be promoted from a given task to a greater on.
热忱的行动    To be enthusiastic,Act enthusiastically
你要相信你可以为所有的问题找到适当的解决方法,但 也要注意你所找到的解决方法,未必都是你想要的解决方法。    Trust that adequate solutions can be found for all your problems,but accept the fact that the solutions may not always be the ones your want.
8.将所有逆境转划顺境,并使它成为一种自动自发的习惯。果真如此,你就会尝到更多成功的果实。    Turn all unpleasant circumstances into opportunities for positive action.Make this an automatic habit,and your success will multiply.
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