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《成功之钥》中英对照励志语录    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


21.利用友谊请求帮助。    21.Presuming upon friendship in asking for favors
需要你付出的人,总是会给你一些回报,你可能不是能满 足客户要求的惟一供应者,你应如何使消费者特别注意你呢? 其中的窍门就在于提供物超所值的服务。    People who need your work have things to offer you.You probably are not the only person capable of providing what they need.What will distinguish you from the crowd? The attention you generate by doing more than you are being paid to do.
积极心态是具有吸引力最重要的个性。事实上,在17 项成功原则中,有许多项都以它作为关键性的要素。积极心 态影响你说话时的语气、姿势和脸部表情,它会修饰你说的 每一句话,并且决定你的情绪感受,它还会对你的思想产生 影响。    PMA is the most important aspect of any attractive personality;indeed,t is crucial to many of the Seventeen Principles of Success.PMA influences your tone of voice,your posture,your facial expressions.It modified every word you say and determines the nature of the emotions you feel.It affects every thought you have and the results your thoughts bring you.
积极心态(PMA)    Positive Mental Attitude(PMA)
将明确目标运用于工作    Putting Definiteness of Purpose to Work
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