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《成功之钥》中英对照励志语录    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


机智    Tact
彻底地“盘点”一次你的财产,你会发现你所拥有的最有价值舶财产就是健全的思想,有了它你就可以自己决定自己 的命运。    Take a complete inventory of every asset you possess.You will discover that your greatest asset is a sound mind with which you can shape your own destiny.
她听了丈夫的鼓励之后再度打起精神奔向战场,但是她 的丈夫呢?别认为那些鼓励的话不会鼓舞她的丈夫,同样也 别认为他在说完那些鼓励的话之后,在自己的工作方面不会 有所进步,我们每个人都需要别人的鼓励,而鼓励他人的同 时,也会为自己带来同样的好处。    That's all it takes, and she's out the door or on the phone again. And her husband? Don't think that he isn't inspired by his wife's determination. That his own work isn't better after he's seen what a little encouragement can do. We all need people to give us a boost, and we all benefit from doing the same for others.
百分之二的成功者    The 2 Percent Who Succeed
付出超过所得带来的益处    The Benefits of Doing More than You Are Paid For
第一项特质是工作能力。切勿只因为你喜欢或认识某 人,就把他选择为团员,虽然这样的人,会改善你的生活品 质,但未必就适合智囊团;你最好的朋友,未必就是你所需 要的行销专业人才,但或许他可为你介绍专业人员。    The first is ability to do the job.Do not select people for your alliance merely because you like and know them.Such people are valuable to you because they improve the quality of your life,but they are not necessarily suited to a mastermind alliance.Your best friend may not be the most knowledgeable marketing professional in your area,but perhaps he ca introduce you to someone who is.
从贫穷到富有,第一步是最困难的。其中的关键,在于 你必须了解,所有财富和物质的获得,都必须先建立清晰且 明确的目标;当目标的追求变成一种执着时,你就会发现, 你所有的行动都会带领你朝着这个目标迈进。    The first step from poverty to riches is the most difficult.The key is to realize that all the riches and all the the material goods that you acquire through your own efforts begin with your having a clear,concise picture of what you seek. When that picture grows to be an obsession with you,you will find that your every action leads you toward its acquisition.
使智囊团发挥功效的第一个步骤,就是设立一个明确的 目标(谁愿意搭乘目的地不明确的火车呢?)很显然的,如 果你连自己的明确目标都还没有确定,是不可能进行其他工 作的。    The first step in putting together a mastermind alliance is to adopt a definite purpose for it to attain.(Who would board train without knowing where it went?) Obviously you cannot do this if you have not yet selected your own definite major purpose.You must be certain that the purpose of the alliance is either the same as yours or very closely aligned.
此一法则所着重的,并非一些意料之外的回报(例如让位 给老年人所得到的回报),而是诚恳和热心的付出。只有不诚 恳,而且懒惰的人才想以较少的代价(甚至最好不要付出任何 代价)获得较大利益。如果你想要以抬高价钱,或偷工减料的 方式获利的话,必将尝到恶果。    The issue here is not some unlooked-for benefit,such as might come from offering a chair to a senior citizen.It is a matter of honesty and earnest effort.Dishonest,lazy people look to get something for less than is required-or even nothing.If you decide to boost your profits by raising your rates and providing less service,it's going to catch up with you.
将信心运用到实际行动的第二法门,就是积极心态。以下将说明培养信心和积极心态的步骤。    The key to putting your faith into action is to have a positive mental attitude .Here are steps to build your faith and your PMA
补偿律    The Law of Compensation
补偿律可确保当你付出之后,会得到某种相同种类的回 报,为了得到这种回报,你必须尽力提供你能提供的服务(当 然必须具备最佳心态),并且必须不要求得到立即的回报,而 且即使得不到立即回报,你也应该尽力提供服务。    The Law of Compensation ensures that everything you do will bring you some sort of result of the same kind.To benefit form this,you must always render the most service you are capable of,with the best attitude,and you must do so regardless of your immediate compensation,even if it appears you will receive no immediate compensation.
报酬增加律    The Law of Increasing Returns
智囊团原则使你得以把他人的经验、训练和知识所汇集 的力量,当作是自己的力量一样加以运用;如果你能有效地 应用智囊团,则无论你自己的教育程度或才智如何,几乎都 能克服所有的障碍。    The mastermind principle lets you appropriate and use the full strength of the experience,training,and knowledge of other people just as if they were your own.You can overcome almost any obstacle you face,no matter what your own education or talents,if you use the mastermind principle effectively.
第二项特质就是和他人和谐共事的能力。不和谐的工作 气氛,将会抵消智囊团的效率。虽然,这种情形可能不会立 即发生,但却可能在输赢的关键时刻爆发出来。    The other quality is the ability to work in a spirit of harmony with others.Without harmony your alliance will falter,perhaps not right away but at some crucial moment when everything is about to be won or lost.
最杰出的领袖必然是实践第六步骤的人,这种人了解他 们自己的思想的力量;他们掌握此一力量,并导引这股力量, 为自己所订定的明确目标服务。当你采取第六个步骤时,“不 可能”这个字对你将不再具有任何意义,每件事对你来说都是 可能的,而你也将成功地实现它们。    The outstanding leaders in every walk of life are the people in the sixth group.They recognize the power of their own minds;they seize that power and direct it toward what ever they choose.When you take this step,the word""impossible"" will have no meaning for you.Everything will be possible for you,and you will manage to get it.
绝大多数的人都不了解愿望(Wishing)和确信(Believing) 之间的差别,他们从来也没有采行过可以帮助他们运用思想实现欲望的六个步骤。以下将概略说明这六个步骤,并且加 入我以一生的时光对那些采行这六步骤的人所做的观察结果。    The overwhelming majority of people never recognize the difference between wishing and believing.They never take six steps that will help them use their minds to attain their desires.These steps are summarized below,along with my observations,based on a lifetime of study,of the percentage of people who attain each one.
学习这种程序的主要方法,就是控制你的情绪。我们再 来回顾一下14种主要的情绪:    The primary means to this ecd is your control of your emotions. For review, the fourteen major emotions are repeated below.
你所付出的额外服务会为你带来更多的回报。想想看种植小麦的农夫吧!如果种植一株小麦只能收成一粒麦子,那 根本就是在浪费时间。但实际上从一株小麦上可收成许许多多的麦子。尽管有些小麦不会发芽,但无论农夫面临什么样 的困难,他的收成必定多出他所种植的好几倍。    The quantity and quality of the extra service you render will come back to you greatly multiplied. Consider the farmer who plants a crop of wheat. If he harvested only one grain of wheat for each grain he planted,he'd be wasting his time. Instead every successful grain produces a stalk and a sheaf containing many more grains. Of course,a few don't sprout, but whatever problems a farmer may face, getting back many times more wheat grains then he or she planted isn't one of them.
但可悲的是,大多数的人都不想订定付出超过所得的明 确目标,无论他们多么努力工作,幸运轮总是从他们身旁滚 过,因为他们既不期待也不需要更多的所得。    The sad fact is that most people have no definite purpose greater than getting that paycheck No matter how hard they work,the wheel of fortune turns right past them because they neither expect nor demand more.
七种积极情绪为:    The seven positive emotions are:
想要达到永续成功的第三个步骤,是培养具有吸引力的 个性。令人愉快的个性,就是一种已经发展圆满的个性。为 了达到此一目标,你必须努力改善以下所列的25种个性。 别被这个数字吓倒了。因为其中有许多个性面,是彼此息息 相关的。改善了这方面的个性也将有助于其他个性的改善。    The third step in achieving lasting success is to develop an attractive personality.A pleasant personality is a well-rounded one;accordingly there are twenty-five different aspects of your personality which you must strive to improve. Don't be intimidated by that number,for you'll find that many of the aspects are closely related.Working to bolster one will help you strengthen many others.
下列十项基本行为动机,可作为订定报酬的基础:    There are ten basic motives toward action that can be the basis of these rewards:
做任何事情都有适当、不适当的时机,机智就是要在适当时机做适当的事和说适当的话。机智和礼节有很密切的关系,一个人不可能只具备其中一种而缺少另一种特质,机智是一项无价的处世技巧,表现机智和缺乏机智,同样会让人看得见。    There is a right moment and a wrong moment for everything.Tact is the habit of doing and saying the right thing at the right moment.Tact is so closely related to courtesy that you cannot practice one without the other.It is an invaluable skill,just as noticeable for its absence as for its presence.
七种消极情绪为:    There seven negative emotions are:
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