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中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二)    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


登记主管机关有权责令侵权人停止侵权行为,赔偿被侵权人因该侵权行为所遭受的损失,没收非法所得并处以五千元以上、五万元以下罚款。    The registration authority has the power to order the infringer to cease the infringement and compensate the infringed party for the loss thus incurred, and to confiscate the illegal income and impose concurrently a fine of more than 5,000 but less than 50,000 yuan (RMB).
现就境内机构在银行间外汇市场开办人民币外汇货币掉期业务的有关事宜通知如下:    The related matters concerning opening RMB and foreign exchange currency swap business by domestic institutions in the inter-bank foreign exchange market are hereby notified as follows:
有关部门应当为提供者保守商业秘密。    The relevant authorities shall not disclose the business proprietary information provided by the dealers.
国务院有关部门按照国务院规定的职责,依照本条例的规定负责货物进出口贸易管理的有关工作。    The relevant departments of the State Council shall, on the basis of the functions and duties as determined by the State Council, be responsible for the administration of the import and export of goods according to the provisions of the present Regulation.
国务院有关经济管理部门应当及时将年度配额总量、分配方案和配额证明实际发放的情况向国务院外经贸主管部门备案。    The relevant economic administrative departments of the State Council shall report such information as the total amount of quotas of the year, the plans of allocation, the issuance of quota certificates, etc to the foreign trade department of the State Council for archivist purposes..
国务院有关经济管理部门应当及时将年度关税配额总量、分配方案和关税配额证明实际发放的情况向国务院外经贸主管部门备案。    The relevant economic administrative departments of the State Council shall submit in a time way such information as the total amount of tariff quotas for the year, the plans of allocation and the issuance of certificates of tariff quotas, etc. to the foreign trade department of the State Council for archivist purposes..
国务院有关经济管理部门应当及时将年度配额总量、分配方案和配额证明实际发放的情况向国务院外经贸主管部门备案。    The relevant economic administrative departments of the State Council shall submit such information as the total amount of quotas for the year, the plans for allocation and the issuance of certificates of quotas, etc. to the foreign trade department of the State Council for archivist purposes.
国家有关机关依法对合作企业实行监督。    The relevant state authorities shall exercise supervision over the contractual joint ventures according to law.
企业整顿方案应当经过企业职工代表大会讨论。企业整顿的情况应当向企业职工代表大会报告,并听取意见。    The reorganization plan of the enterprise shall be discussed by the congress of the staff and workers of the enterprise. The circumstances of the reorganization of the enterprise shall be reported to the congress of the staff and workers of the enterprise and its opinion shall be heeded.
企业整顿方案应当经过企业职工代表大会讨论。企业整顿的情况应当向企业职工代表大会报告,并听取意见。    The reorganization plan of the enterprise shall be discussed by the congress of the staff and workers of the enterprise. The circumstances of the reorganization of the enterprise shall be reported to the congress of the staff and workers of the enterprise and its opinion shall be heeded.
企业整顿方案应当经过企业职工代表大会讨论。企业整顿的情况应当向企业职工代表大会报告,并听取意见。    The reorganization plan of the enterprise shall be discussed by the congress of the staff and workers of the enterprise. The circumstances of the reorganization of the enterprise shall be reported to the congress of the staff and workers of the enterprise and its opinion shall be heeded.
全国统一发票监制章的式样和发票版面印刷的要求,由国家税务总局规定,并实行不定期换版制度。禁止伪造发票监制章。    The requirements for the form of the manufacture-supervising seal for unified national invoices and the printing of the layout of the invoice shall be stipulated by the State Administration of Taxation, a system of irregular change in layout shall be instituted, forged invoice manufacture-supervising seal is prohibited.
对合伙人的除名决议应当书面通知被除名人。被除名人自接到除名通知之日起,除名生效,被除名人退伙。    The resolution to expel a partner shall be delivered to the partner in writing. The expulsion shall become effective as of the date of receipt of notice of expulsion, and the expelled partner shall withdraw from the partnership.
被申请人如有反请求,最迟应当在收到仲裁通知之日起45天内以书面形式提交仲裁委员会。仲裁庭认为有正当理由的,可以适当延长此期限。    The Respondent shall, at the latest within 45 days from the date of receipt of the Notice of Arbitration, file with the Arbitration Commission his counterclaim in writing, if any. The arbitration tribunal may extend this time limit if it considers that there are justified reasons.
父母为其未成年子女投保的人身保险,不受前款规定限制,但是死亡给付保险金额总和不得超过金融监督管理部门规定的限额。    The restriction stipulated in the preceding paragraph shall not apply to the case where parents apply for insurance of persons on minor children. However, the total amount of the death benefits shall not exceed the limit as stipulated by the financial supervision and regulation department.
保险人依照第一款行使代位请求赔偿的权利,不影响被保险人就未取得赔偿的部分向第三者请求赔偿的权利。    The right of indemnity by subrogation exercised by the insurer in accordance with the first paragraph shall in no way affect the insured's right of indemnity against the third party for the unindemnified amount.
债权人领取提存物的权利,自提存之日起五年内不行使而消灭,提存物扣除提存费用后归国家所有。    The right of the obligee to take delivery of the subject matter in escrow is extinguished if not exercised within five years, commencing on the date when the subject matter was placed in escrow. After deduction of escrow expenses, the subject matter in escrow shall be turned over to the state.
本法所称票据权利,是指持票人向票据债务人请求支付票据金额的权利,包括付款请求权和追索权。    The right on a negotiable instrument as used in this Law means the right of a holder to demand from the person liable for the negotiable instrument payment of the sum payable by the instrument, including the right of claim for payment and the right of recourse.
户外广告设施设置阵地的使用权可以通过协议、招标、拍卖等方式取得。    The right to use the positions installed with outdoor advertisements may be acquired through negotiation, bid invitations, auction, etc.
风险控制制度至少应当包括投资决策流程、投资授权制度、研究报告制度、风险评估和绩效考核指标体系。    The risk control system shall at least include an investment decision-making process, an investment authorization system, a research and report system, a risk assessment and performance evaluation indicator system.
国家外汇局应当按照本办法第七条的规定进行核准。    The SAFE shall decide whether or not to approve according to Article 7 hereof.
国家外汇局应当自收到完整的申请文件之日起20日内,作出核准或者不予核准的决定。    The SAFE shall make a decision as to whether or not to grant approval within 20 days after receiving a complete set of application documents.
保管方应按照合同规定的包装外观、货物品种、数量的质量,对入库货物进行验收,如果发现入库货物与合同规定不符。应及时通知存货方。    The safekeeping party shall inspect the goods to be put into storage in accordance with the provisions of the contract concerning the packaging exterior and the type, quantity and quality of the goods, and, if it discovers that the goods to be put into storage do not conform to the provisions of the contract, it shall promptly notify the storing party.
责令改正,可以处中标项目金额千分之五以上千分之十以下的罚款;    The said tenderer shall be ordered to make corrections and may be imposed a fine exceeding 0.5 per cent and not exceeding 1 per cent of the sum of the winning project and;
??? 销售额以人民币计算。纳税人以外汇结算销售额的,应当按外汇市场价格折合成人民币计算。    The sales amoumnt of the taxpayer settled in foreig n currencies shall be converted into renminbi according to the exchange rate prevailing in the forei gn exchamge market.
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