抽样精确度 Sampling precision抽样性质 Sampling properties抽样方法 Sampling scheme抽样理论 Sampling theory抽样单位 Sampling unit抽样变异性 Sampling variability抽出放回 Sampling with replacement抽出不放回 Sampling without replacement武士债券(外国日圆债券) Samurai bonds满足点 Satiation满意论 Satisficing theory储蓄留存系数 Saving-retention coefficient储蓄 Savings储贷协会 Savings and loans associations (S&Ls)储蓄协会保险基金 Savings Association Insurance Fund (SAIF)储蓄银行 Savings bank储蓄债券 Savings bond储蓄存款 Savings deposit沙瓦准则 Sawa's criterion锯木场 Sawmill罢工工贼 Scab纯量 Scalar纯量因子模型 Scalar component model纯量单位矩阵式共变量 Scalar identity covariance matrix纯量倍数 Scalar multiple 语际翻译 版权所有
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