- 经济学词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 整笔股票 Round lot
- 迂回式生产 Roundabout production
- 零头误差 Roundoff errors
- 列 Row
- 罗氏-列能检定 Roy-Zellner test
- 权利金 Royalty
- 禁止权利长期不确定法则 Rule against perpetuities
- 先占取得法则 Rule of first possession
- 比例原则 Rule of proportionality
- 合理原则 Rule of reason
- 直觉原则 Rule of Thumb
- 逻辑法则 Rules of logic
- 连检定 Run test
- 罗吉-枯他方法 Runge-Kutta method
- 连 Runs
- 农村地区 Rural areas
- 农村发展 Rural development
- 乡村发展策略 Rural development strategies
- 乡村经济 Rural Economy
- 农村部门 Rural Sector
- 农村支持制度 Rural Support System
- 城乡迁移 Rural-Urban Migration
- 芮萌斯基线 Rybzynski line
- 芮萌斯基定理 Rybzynski theorem
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