大钞 Large-denomination note拉氏物价指数 Laspeyres price index后进先出原则 Last-in-first-out (LIFO)大三角帆 Lateen sails潜在结构 Latent structure潜在存活时间 Latent survival times潜在变数 Latent variable大型农场 Latifundio拉丁美洲共同市场 Latin American Common Market拉丁美洲自由贸易协会 Latin American Free Trade Association拉丁平方 Latin square罗兰级数 Laurent series罗森-梅滋乐-哈博格效果 Laursen-Metzler-Harberger effect最小绝对值估计式 LAV estimator法则 Law比较利益法则 Law of comparative advantage需求法则 Law of demand边际替代率递减法则 Law of diminishing marginal rate of substitution边际技术替代率递减法则 Law of diminishing marginal rate of technical substitution边际报酬递减法则 Law of diminishing marginal returns边际效用递减法则 Law of diminishing marginal utility报酬递减法则 Law of diminishing returns成本递增法则 Law of increasing cost大数法则 Law of large numbers长期关系法则 Law of long-run relation 语际翻译 版权所有
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