- 经济学词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 非纯粹公共财 Impure public good
- 设算值 Imputation
- 隐含或设算所得 Imputed income
- 价内发行 In the money
- 即买即卖 In-and-out
- 实物补助 In-kind transfer
- 不可用估计式 Inadmissible estimator
- 不可转让性 Inalienability
- 诱因相符性 Incentive compatibility
- 诱因限制式 incentive compatibility constraint
- 诱因限制 Incentive constraint
- 诱因契约 Incentive contracts
- 诱因问题 Incentive problem
- 诱因管制 Incentive regulation
- 诱因计划 incentive scheme
- 诱因式报酬 Incentive-based pay
- 诱因兼容限制 Incentive-compatibility constraint
- 与诱因相符的机制 Incentive-compatible mechanisms
- 诱因 Incentives
- 搭便车的动机 Incentives to free-ride
- 归宿 Incidence
- 初期理论 Incipiency doctrine
- 周延 Inclusive
- 所得 Income
- 所得系数 Income coefficient