- 经济学词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 预期操作数 Expectation operator
- 期限结构的预期假说 Expectations hypothesis of the term structure
- 附加预期的菲利浦曲线 Expectations-augmented Phillips curve
- 预期外部报酬 Expected externality payment
- 预期的次数 Expected frequency
- 预期的联合次数 Expected joint frequency
- 预期报酬率 Expected rate of return
- 预期报酬 Expected return
- 预期效用 Expected utility
- 预期效用函数 Expected utility function
- 预测效用理论 Expected utility theory
- 期望值 Expected value
- 简易仲裁(指不用律师及正规程序的仲裁) Expedited arbitration
- 支出法 Expenditure method
- 支出税 Expenditure tax
- 支出减少效果 Expenditure-reducing effect
- 支出移转效果 Expenditure-switch effect
- 支出移转政策 Expenditure-switch policy
- 经验效果 Experience effects
- 经验财 Experience goods
- 经验费率 Experience ratings
- 试验 Experiment
- 实验设计 Experiment design
- 实验规则 Experiment instructions
- 实验的拍卖市场 Experimental auction markets