- 经济学词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 误差成份模型 Error component model
- 误差修正机能 Error correction mechanism
- 误差修正模型 Error correction model
- 误差共变矩阵 Error covariance matrix
- 错误函数 Error function
- 估计误差 Error of estimation
- 误差相关的回归方程组合 Error related sets of regression equations
- 误差成份三阶段估计法 Error stage least squares Components three
- 误差项结构程序 Error structure process
- 误差平方和 Error sum of squares
- 误差项 Error term
- 误差向量 Error vector
- 贝氏误差 Errors in Bayesian
- 方程式误差 Errors in equation
- 变数误差 Errors in variable
- 伸缩条款 Escalator clause
- 除外条款 Escape clause
- 人口论 Essay on the Principle of Population
- 实质谈判赛局 Essential bargaining problem
- 遗产税 Estate tax
- 可估计式函数 Estimable function
- 估计值 Estimate
- 估计标准误差 Estimate standard error
- 估计共变量矩阵 Estimated covariance matrix
- 估计的一般最小平方法 Estimated generalized least squares (EGLS)