- 经济学词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 折旧 Depreciation
- 折旧税盾 Depreciation tax shield
- 萧条 Depression
- 解除管制 Deregulation
- 衍生性金融商品 Derivative
- 导数自由方法 Derivative free methods
- 代表诉讼 Derivative suit
- 引伸需求 Derived demand
- 引伸需求法则 Derived demand laws
- 引申存款 Derived deposit
- 引伸性的要素需求 Derived factor demand
- 叙述统计学 Descriptive statistics
- 消除季节的时间数列 Deseasonalized time series
- 设计效应 Design effects
- 设计矩阵 Design matrix
- 实验设计 Design of experiments
- 平行化设计 Design parallelism
- 动荡投资 Destabilizing speculation
- 依终点课税 Destination-based taxation
- 破坏性竞争 Destructive competition
- 损坏性的测试 Destructive testing
- 违规排放的侦测 Detection of emissions violations
- 行列式 Determinant
- 确定过程 Deterministic process
- 确定转换 Deterministic switching