- 经济学词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 以股换债 Debt-For-Equity Swap
- 负债净值比率 Debt-to-net worth ratio
- 以债养债 Debt-trap
- DIP债券 Debter in possession (DIP)
- 债务人 Debtor
- 债务国 Debtor Nation
- 债务国卡特尔 Debtor’s Cartel
- 决策市场分散化 Decentralization of decision market
- 分散协议 Decentralized bargaining
- 分散化交易 Decentralized trading
- 分散化交易的实验 Decentralized trading experiments
- 骗人广告 Deceptive advertising
- 十分位数 Deciles
- 决策者 Decision makers
- 决策法则 Decision rule
- 决策理论 Decision theory
- 决策变数 Decision variable
- 人权法案 Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
- 累退定价法 Declining block-rate prices
- 没落产业 Declining industries
- 成本递减的产业 Decreasing cost industry
- 规模报酬递减;规模不经济 Decreasing returns to scale
- 以上累加次数 Decumulative frequency
- 以上累加相对次数 Decumulative relative frequency
- 以上累加相对次数曲线 Decumulative relative frequency curve