- 经济学词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 国内资源成本 Domestic resource cost
- 国内供给 Domestic supply
- 国内贸易 Domestic trade
- 动物驯养 Domestication of Animals
- 优势厂商 Dominant firm
- 优势厂商行为 Dominant firm behavior
- 支配力量 Dominant power
- 优势策略 Dominant strategy
- 支配向量 Dominate vector
- 劣式策略 Dominated strategy
- 达夫曼-史丹纳条件 Dorfman-Steiner condition
- 达夫曼-史丹纳理论 Dorfman-Steiner Theorem
- 剂量反应分析 Dose-response analysis
- 剂量反应函数 Dose-response function
- 点图 Dot diagram
- 双边拍卖 Double auction
- 双拍卖资产市场 Double auction asset markets
- 双拍卖实验 Double auction experiments
- 双拍卖制度 Double auction institution
- 双拍卖下的定价机制 Double auction pricemaking mechanism
- 双方欲求巧合 Double coincidence of want
- 双边荷式拍卖 Double Dutch auction
- 双重k阶估计式 Double k-class estimator
- 双重边际化 Double marginalization
- 双重非集中F分配 Double noncentral F distribution