- 经济学词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 群组间估计量 Between estimator
- 族群中设计 Between-group design
- 到无可怀疑的地步 Beyond a reasonable doubt
- 偏误 Bias
- 偏误估计量 Biased estimator
- 偏颇扩充 Biased expansion of production Possibilities
- 偏颇成长 Biased growth
- 偏颇的二次式估计量 Biased quadratic estimator
- 出价;叫价 Bid
- 胜利者降头之喊价调整 Bid adjustment to winner's curse
- 竞价拍卖 Bid auction
- 买方出价 Bid price
- 竞租 Bid rent
- 围标 Bid rigging
- 买卖价差 Bid-ask spread
- 投标 Bidding
- 喊价调整 Bidding adjustment
- 喊价法则 Bidding rules
- 竞价得标法则 Bid\offer acceptance rules
- 金融大变革 Big Bang
- 大力推动经济发展理论 Big Push Theory of Development
- 双边的 Bilateral
- 双边援助 Bilateral Assistance
- 双边讯息不对称 Bilateral asymmetric information
- 双边独占 Bilateral monopoly