- 社会政治与经济类英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 信誉 Goodwill
- 政府 Government
- 政府机构 government agency
- 政府债券 government bond
- 公债,政府债券 government bond
- 政府控制 government control
- 国家指导的 government directed
- 政府雇员 government employee
- 政府企业 government enterprise
- 经济管理职能 government from those of enterprises and alter the
- 政府干预 government intervention
- 政府贷款 government loan
- 政府官员 government official
- 国营企业 government operated business
- 政府财产 government property
- 政府监督 Government supervision
- 国家监督 government supervision
- 政府转移支付 government transfer payment
- 债务宽限期 Grace period
- 受贿,贪污 Graft
- 专用拨款,赠款 Grant
- 农业财政拨款 grant-in-aid for agriculture
- 财政补贴基金 grant-in-aid fund
- 毛重,总重,总额 Gross
- 总资产 gross assets