交织焊法(焊接) weaving交织焊珠 weaving bead交织焊珠 weaving bead大肋骨,腹板 web强力梁,大梁 web beam大肋骨 web frame大肋骨 web frame尖劈,楔 wedge漏水铆钉 weeping rivet帆幅,信号旗 weft逆转轴 weigh (or reversing) shaft起锚 weigh anchor重,重量 weight重量及重心估 weight and center of gravity estimate重量计算 weight calculation重量控制 weight control重量曲线 weight curve重量曲线 weight curve重量估算 weight estimation装载重量 weight on board重量明细表 weight schedule重量吨 weight ton重量马力比 weight-horsepower ratio加权 weighting度量衡 weights and measures 语际翻译 版权所有
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