- 游艇专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 特高频 very high frequency (VHF)
- 极大型原油轮,巨型油轮 very large crude oil carrier (VLCC)
- 船,舰,容器 vessel
- 裕干舷船 vessel with freeboard
- 限制吃水船 vessel with restricted draught
- 玄关,门厅 vestibule
- 黏度指数 VI (= viscosity index)
- 振动[试验]台 vibrating table
- 振动 vibration
- 振动阻尼器 vibration damper
- 振动阻尼器 vibration damper
- 隔振橡胶 vibration isolating rubber
- 振动模式 vibration mode
- 振模曲线 vibration mode curve
- 减振机 vibration reducer
- 振动图示计 vibrograph
- 振动计 vibrometer
- [老]虎钳 vice (or vise)
- 钳台 vice bench
- 钳台 vice bench
- 钳台 vice stand
- 维氏硬度 Vicker hardness
- 胜利轮 victory ship
- 胜利轮 victory ship
- 粮食船 victualler