- 游艇专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 等速流动 uniform flow
- 匀布负荷 uniform load
- 均匀强度 uniform strength
- 均匀强度 uniform strength
- 活管套节 union
- 活管套接头 union joint
- 潜弧焊接 union melt welding
- 接合螺帽 union nut
- 管套节 union piece
- 双吊杆操作系统 union purchase system
- 乌拉圭技术标准学会 UNIT (= Institute Uruguayo de Normas Technicas, Uruguay)
- 单元组合,小组合 unit assembly
- 装单元组合安装 unit assembly and installation of auxiliary
- 个别给水系统 unit feed system
- 单柱塞喷射泵 unit pump (or single plunger unit pump)
- 万向窝座关节 universal and socket joint
- 万向联结器 universal coupling
- 万向联结器 universal coupling
- 万向导索器 universal fairlead (or fairleader)
- 万向接头 universal joint
- 万向接头 universal joint
- 万能螺旋扳手 universal screw wrench
- 万能试验机 universal testing machine
- 卸货 unload
- 卸货装置,抑压器(压缩机) unloader