圆柱吊架 round bar davit圆型船 round bilge圆底船 round bottom圆头槽螺栓 round head grooved bolt圆头槽螺栓 round head grooved bolt圆形艉 round stern圆形艉 round stern梁弧高,梁拱高 round-up of beam梁弧高,梁拱高 round-up of beam弧形舷缘 rounded gunwale围网渔船 roundhaul netter舍位入(数值),修缘 rounding off逃生路径 route of escape垫片 rove纱束 roving纱束布 roving cloth列 row划桨船 row boat桨架 row lock桨架 row lock (or oarlock)铆钉行,铆钉排 row of rivet划船 rowing vessel划船 rowing vessel顶桅支索 royal backstay顶桅帆桁吊索 royal lift