洋松 oregon pine联合国组织 organizations in the United Nations system孔口 orifice最下甲板 orlop deck最下层甲板(四层甲板以上船) orlop deck正交异方性 orthogonal isotropy (or orthotropy)普通型树脂,G型树脂,邻苯二酸型树脂 orthophthalic type (or ortho-type) resin正交异方向材 orthotropic materials操作系统 OS (= operating system)摆动缸 oscillating cylinder摆动缸 oscillating cylinder摆缸机 oscillating engine摆缸机 oscillating engine摆动风扇 oscillating fan船摇摆 oscillating of ship摆动器,振荡器 oscillator示波图 oscillograph示波器 oscilloscope普通截片法 OSM (= ordinary strip method)海洋温差发电 OTEC (= ocean thermal energy conversion)导板(拖网渔船) otter board单拖网渔船 otter trawler鄂图循环 Otto cycle鄂图循环 Otto cycle失步 out of step 语际翻译 版权所有
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