- 游艇专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 柴油燃气涡轮组合机 CODOG (= combined diesel on gas turbine)
- 系数 coefficient
- 收缩系数 coefficient of contration
- 动[力]黏度系数 coefficient of dynamic viscosity
- 膨胀系数 coefficient of expansion
- 肥瘦系数 coefficient of fineness (or fullness)
- 波动系数 coefficient of fluctuation
- 摩擦系数 coefficient of friction
- 摩擦系数 coefficient of friction
- 热对流系数 coefficient of heat convection
- 传热系数 coefficient of heat transmission
- [运]动黏度系数 coefficient of kinematic viscosity
- 线膨胀系数 coefficient of linear expansion
- 性能系数 coefficient of performance
- 黏度系数 coefficient of viscosity
- 黏度系数 coefficient of viscosity
- 膨胀系数 coeffient of expansion
- 膨胀系数 coeffient of expansion
- 堰舱,围堰 cofferdam
- 镶齿轮 cog wheel
- 镶齿轮 cog wheel
- 复合燃气涡轮机 COGAG (= combined gas turbine and/or gas turbine)
- 组合燃气涡轮机 COGOG (= combined gas turbine or gas turbine)
- 齿轮泵 cogwheel pump
- 凝聚 cohesion