防污涂装 antifouling coating防冻液 antifreeze solution防冻液 antifreeze solution锑 antimony锑 antimony防腐剂 antiseptics防腐剂 antiseptics铁砧 anvil铁砧 anvil铁砧 anvil block铁砧 anvil block铁砧 anvil block美国油料化学工程师学会 AOCS (American Oil Chemists' Society, U.S.A.)螺桨拱,孔,口 aperture螺桨拱,孔,口 aperture美国公共健康协会 APHA (American Public Health Association, U.S.A.)美国石油学会 API (American Petroleum Institute, U.S.A.)器具,仪器 apparatus器具,仪器 apparatus视弯曲强度 apparent bending stress ( or modulus of rupture)视弯曲强度 apparent bending stress ( or modulus of rupture)视螺距 apparent pitch视螺距 apparent pitch视螺距 apparent pitch视横摇 apparent rolling