- 航海专业增补术语名词 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 含油破布 oily rags
- 油水分离设备 oily-water separating equipment
- 亚米茄 Omega
- 亚米茄定位 Omega fix
- 亚米茄航仪 Omega navigator
- 亚米茄传播修正值 Omega propagation correction {= OPC}
- 亚米茄信号格式 Omega signal format
- 全向无线电示标 omnidirection radio beacon
- 在船训练纪录簿 on board training record book
- 舱面载货证券 on deck bill of lading
- 就位 on position
- 船上通信 on-board communication
- 船上通信电台 on-board communication station
- 在船训练 on-board training
- 视情况维修 on-condition maintenance
- 双位开关调整器 on-off two position regulator
- 现场通信 on-scene communication
- 延迟费连续计算 once on demurrage always on demurrage
- 一列式顶推船队 one column pusher train
- 单方过失碰撞 one side to blame collision
- 单向航路 one-way route
- 晴 open
- 开式燃烧室 open combustion chamber
- 开式冷却水系统 open cooling water system
- 开杯法试验 open cup test