- 航海专业增补术语名词 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 舯剖面模数 modulus of midship section
- 模式断路器 molded case circuit breaker
- 力矩调整器 moment compensator
- 流体动力力矩 moment of hydrodynamic force
- 船舶回转力矩 moment of turning ship
- 风阻力矩 moment of wind resistance
- 每公分俯仰差力矩 moment to change trim per centimeter
- 动量理论 momentum theory
- 监测 monitoring
- 监测屏 monitoring panel
- 每月检查 monthly inspection
- 月出 moon rise
- 月没 moon set
- 月视运动 moon's apparent motion
- 装有电报或电话通信之系泊浮筒 mooring buoy with telephonic or telegraphic communications
- 系泊绞盘 mooring capstan
- 艏艉碇泊 mooring head and stern
- 系泊作业管理 mooring operating mode management
- [带]缆[口]令 mooring orders
- 双锚系泊;一字锚泊 mooring to two anchors
- 晨雾 morning fog
- 穆尔斯码雾号 Morse code fog signal
- 抵押登记 mortgage registration
- 最惠国待遇 most favored nation treatment {= MFNT}
- 最可能船位 most probable position {= MPP}