- 航海专业增补术语名词 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 双船围网 double boat purse seine
- 双凸轮换向 double cam reversing
- 双纵队 double column
- 隔日潮 double day tide
- 双筒绞车 double drum winch
- 双横队 double line abreast
- 双向止回阀 double non-return valve
- 双油头 double probe
- 双吊杆联合作业 double purchase
- 双边带 double side-band {= DSB}
- 隔时测天 double sight
- 各缆打双 double up and secure
- 双管设备 double-hose rigs
- 双态罗经 double-state compass
- 鸠尾槽 dovetail groove
- 上风舵 down helm
- 下行船 down-bound vessel
- 顺流船 downstream vessel
- 耙吸设施 drag and suction device
- 拖曳力 drag force
- 拖钩牵引力 dragging force of towing hook
- 排泄法 draining method
- 排泄系统 draining system
- 测量水尺 draught survey
- 曳开桥 draw bridge