- 航海专业增补术语名词 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 解锚链 clearing hawse
- 气候航路 climate routing
- 顺时针旋转 clock-wise rotation
- 迎风 close haul
- 密集块冰 close pack ice
- 彼此接近 close quarters situation
- 紧转配合 close running fit
- 靠近加油装置 close-in fueling rig
- 封密加压燃油系统 closed and pressured fuel system
- 封闭货柜 closed container
- 闭式冷却系统 closed cooling system
- 闭杯法试验 closed cup test
- 闭路网络 closed network
- 闭路用户组;群内通信 closed user group
- 死循环系统 closed-loop system
- 闭式液压系统 closed-type hydraulic system
- 最接近点 closest point of approach {= CPA}
- 封缸 closing cylinder; decoupling of cylinder
- 会合操船 closing to meeting maneuver
- 粗校准 coarse alignment
- 粗同步法 coarse synchronizing method
- 粗/获取码 coarse/acquisition code {= C/A code}
- 海岸卫星电台识别码 coast earth station identification
- 海岸雷达站 coast radar station
- 海岸无线电台 coast radio station {= CRS}