开始绞锚或拉缆 heave away收短锚炼近垂直 heave short打水锤 heave the lead撇缆;引绳 heaving line大浪 heavy sea; rough sea恶劣气候 heavy weather {= h.w.}百 hecto倾斜差调整仪 heeling adjuster倾斜差;倾侧误差 heeling error倾侧差磁棒 heeling magnet眼高修正量 height of eye correction潮高 height of tide偕日升落 heliacal rising and setting以太阳为中心的 heliocentric舵令 helm order; steering order舵工 helmsman; quarter master; wheelman; wheelsman半球 hemisphere武仙座 Hercules; Hercules Kneoling侯失勒星 Herschel长庚{金星别名} Hesperus高度测天法 high altitude method高纬度 high latitude持久性萤光幕 high persistance screen狂浪;高浪;公海 high sea高潮;憩流 high tide slack water 语际翻译 版权所有
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