- 海洋气象专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 利布罗陀风 liberator
- 云[盖] lid
- 举升凝结高度 lifting condensation level {= LCL}
- 举升雾 lifting fog
- 软风 light air; zephyr
- 轻风 light breeze
- 轻雾 light fog
- 光强度 light intensity
- 夜光 light of night sky; light of the night sky; night-sky light
- 小雨 light rain
- 光波 light wave
- 闪[电];电闪 lightning
- 闪电流 lightning current
- 闪电扩散 lightning diffusion
- 雷暴 lightning storm
- 雷击 lightning stroke; thunderstroke
- 识阈;最低光限 limen
- 低限光对比 liminal contrast
- 可听限 limit of audibility
- 能见限 limit of visibility
- 极限速度 limiting velocity
- 湖沼学 limnology
- 不连续线 line of discontinuity
- 线飑;飑线 line of squall [= squall line]
- 风暴线 line of storm