- 船舶通讯专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 线路放大器 line amplifier
- 线触排 line bank
- 线路常数 line constant
- 线路压降 line drop
- 线条供应;换行 line feed
- 线路滤波器 line filter
- 线频率;电源频率;行频率 line frequency
- 架线五金 line hardware
- 线路勘定 line location
- 线路损失 line loss
- 磁感应线 line of magnetic induction
- 磁化线 line of magnetization
- 位置线 line of position {= lop}; position line
- 长途台话务员 line operator
- 线同步 line synchronization
- 线终端设备 line terminal equipment
- 馈线变压器 line transformer
- 线式脉冲器 line type pulser
- 扫描线幅 line width
- 线帚 line wiper
- 视线范围 line-of-sight coverage
- 视线距离 line-of-sight distance
- 线路起动电动机 line-start motor
- 直线性放大 linear amplification
- 线性特性 linear characteristic