- 造船专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 水线面积 area of water plane; water plane area; waterplane area
- 面积比 area ratio; surface ratio
- 臂;横杆;辐 arm
- 羊角栓;独角桩;单臂系索桩 arm cleat
- 双木连结桅 arm mast
- 稳定力臂 arm of stability
- 锚臂 arm; anchor arm
- 装甲 armor; armour
- 装甲舱壁 armour bulkhead
- 装甲甲板 armour deck
- 铠装软管 armoured hose
- 铠装电线 armouring wire
- 明轮辐 arms of paddle wheel
- 布置;安排;装置 arrangement
- 布置图 arrangement plan
- 抵港压舱水 arrival ballast
- 人工送风;人工通风 artificial draught
- 人工干燥;人工季化 artificial seasoning
- 灰船 ash boat
- 灰盘 ash pan
- 灰坑 ash pit
- 灰漕 ash shoot; ash chute
- 高宽比;纵横比 aspect ratio
- 装配;组合;装合 assembly [= fit up]
- 指定;勘划 assignment