- 神经外科专业术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 头皮 scalp
- 癫痫发作 seizure
- 感觉纤维 sensory fiber
- 硬脑膜窦 sinuses of dura mater
- 躯体神经 somatic nerve
- 脊髓 spinal cord
- 硬脊膜 spinal dura mater
- 脊神经 spinal nerve
- 健膜下间隙 subaproneurotic space
- 蛛网膜下腔 subarachnoid space
- 硬膜下的 subdural
- 眉弓 superciliary arch
- 浅筋膜 superficial fascia
- 颞浅动静脉 superficial temporal a. & v.
- 上项线 superior nuchal line
- 上项线 superior nuchal line
- 眶上动静脉 supraorbital a. & v.
- 滑车上动静脉 supratrochlear a. & v.
- 交感神经 sympathetic nerve
- 症状和体征 symptom and sign
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