- 细菌学&免疫学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 芽胞膜 Spore membrane
- 芽胞浆 Spore plasma
- 芽胞染色 Spore staining
- 产芽胞杆菌 Sporeforming bacillus ; Sorebearing bacillus
- 芽胞性繁殖 Sporogenous propagation or reproduction
- 胞子丝菌属 Sporotrichium ; Sporothrix
- Beuermann氏胞子丝菌 Sporotrichon Beuermanni
- Schenck氏胞子丝菌 Sporotrichum Schencki
- 芽胞产生 Sporulation ; Spore formation
- 时疫流行 Spreading of epidemic ; Prevalence of epidemic
- 针刺道 Stab canal
- 针刺培养 Stab culture
- 针刺接种 Stab-inoculation
- 载物几(显微镜) Stage (of microscope)
- 耐染性 Stain-fast
- 染色 Staining ; Dyeing
- 染色法 Staining method
- 染色液 Staining solution ; Stain
- 滴数计 Stalagmometer
- 显微镜架 Stand (microscopic)
- 抗毒素定价法 Standard antitoxin ; Tested antitoxin ; Normal antitoxin
- 标准抗素素 Standard antitoxin ; Tested antitoxin ; Normal antitoxin
- 标血清 Standard serum ; Normal serum (2)
- 标毒素 Standard toxin ; Normal toxin
- 葡萄球菌属 Staphylococcus