- 局部解剖学中英文索引 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 输精管盆部 pelvic part of ductus deferens
- 输尿管盆部 pelvic part of the ureter
- 盆腔腹膜 pelvic peritoneum
- 盆丛 pelvic plexus
- 盆内脏神经 pelvic splanchnic nerve
- 盆部、骨盆 pelvis
- 阴茎 penis
- 心包腔 pericardial cavity
- 心包窦 pericardial sinus
- 心包 pericardium
- 会阴动脉 perineal artery
- 会阴中心腱 perineal central tendon
- 会阴膜 perineal membrane
- 会阴神经 perineal nerve
- 会阴 perineum
- 腓动脉 peroneal artery
- 膈神经 phrenic nerve
- 膈脾韧带 phrenicosplenic ligament
- 梨状肌 piriformis
- 足底腱膜 plantar aponeurosis
- 颈阔肌 platysma
- 胸膜 pleura
- 胸膜腔 pleural cavity
- 胸膜隐窝 pleural recess
- 腘动脉 popliteal artery