- 医学翻译词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 医疗器械科 department of medical instruments
- 神经科 department of neurology
- 妇产科 department of obstetrics & gynecology
- 眼科 department of ophthalmology
- 骨科 department of osteology
- 儿科 department of pediatrics
- 理疗科 department of physiotherapy
- 整形科 department of plastic surgery
- 口腔科 department of stomatology
- 外科 department of surgery
- 中医科 department of traditional Chinese medicine
- 泌尿科 department of urology
- 离开,出发,起程 departure
- 分凝作用,分溜 dephlegmation
- 分馏柱,分馏器 dephlegmator
- 氧气 dephlogisticated air
- 脱燃素(作用) dephlogistication
- ①脱毛器 ②脱毛剂 depilator
- ①消偏振镜 ②去极化器 depolariser
- ①去极化 ②消偏(振) depolarize
- ①消偏振镜 ②去极化器 depolarizer
- 去极化电极 depolarizing electrode
- 去极化辐射 depolarizing radiation
- 解聚合 depolymerize
- ①存储 ②沉淀,沉积物 deposit