- 医学制药英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 畸形足 clubfoot
- 畸形手 clubhand
- 集合 clumping
- 灌肠 clysis
- 胫骨炎 cnemitis
- 相互适应 coadaptation
- 凝血剂 coagulant
- 促凝力 coagulating power
- 凝固 coagulation
- 凝固坏死 coagulation necrosis
- 凝固器凝固剂 coagulator
- 凝血病 coagulopathy
- 炭硅肺 coal miner's disease
- 煤焦油工癌 coal tar worker's cancer
- 结合 coalescence
- 接合 coaptation
- 织脉缩窄 coarctation of the aorta
- 缩窄切开术 coarctotomy
- 舌苔 coat of the tongue
- 有苔舌 coated tongue
- 包衣片 coating tablet
- 古柯叶 coca leave
- 可卡因慢性中毒 cocainism
- 可卡因麻醉法 cocainization
- 辅羧酶 cocarboxylase