- 人体医学专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 热摄影照片( 热摄影术) thermograph ( thermography )
- 热摄影术 thermography
- 温度调节 thermoregulation
- θ波( 脑波 ) theta wave ( brainwave )
- 大腿( 下肢) thigh ( lower extremity )
- 大腿骨( 股骨) thighbone ( femur )
- 第三楔骨( 跗骨) third cuneiform ( tarsal )
- 第三臼齿( 智齿) third molar ( wisdom tooth )
- 分娩第三期( 分娩) third stage of labour ( labour )
- 口渴( 营养) thirst ( nutrition )
- 胸腔( 腔) thoracic cavity ( cavity )
- 胸导管( 淋巴管) thoracic duct ( lymph vessel )
- 胸神经( 脊神经) thoracic nerve ( spinal nerve )
- 胸椎 thoracic vertebra
- 胸( 躯干) thorax / chest ( trunk )
- 阈值( 刺激) threshold level ( stimulus )
- 咽喉( 咽) throat ( pharynx )
- 血栓细胞( 血小板) thrombocyte ( platelet )
- 栓塞 thrombosis
- 血栓( 栓塞) thrombus ( thrombosis )
- 拇指( 指骨) thumb / first digit ( phalanx of the hand )
- 胸腺嘧啶( 盐基) thymine ( base )
- 胸腺 thymus gland
- 甲状软骨( 喉) thyroid cartilage ( larynx )
- 甲状腺 thyroid gland