- 人体医学专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 长拇趾伸肌( 足部伸肌) extensor hallucis longus (extensor of the foot )
- 足部伸肌 extensor of the foot
- 手部伸肌 extensor of the hand
- 伸肌支带( 足部伸肌) extensor retinaculum ( extensor of the foot )
- 伸肌支带( 手部伸肌) extensor retinaculum ( extensor of the hand )
- 肛门外括约肌( 直肠) external anal sphincter ( rectum )
- 外在环境( 环境) external environment ( environment )
- 外出血( 出血) external haemorrhage ( haemorrhage )
- 外斜肌 external oblique
- 外呼吸( 呼吸) external respiration ( respiration )
- 外刺激( 刺激) external stimulus ( stimulus )
- 细胞外液 extracellular fluid
- 细胞外物质 extracellular material
- 眼睛 eye
- 眼窝( 眼眶) eye socket ( orbit )
- 上颚犬齿( 犬齿) eye teeth ( canine )
- 眼球( 眼睛) eyeball ( eye )
- 眉毛( 眼睑) eyebrow ( eyelid )
- 睫毛( 眼睑) eyelash ( eyelid )
- 眼睑 eyelid
当前第4页 共4页