- 中药单体英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 乙酰二氢欧山芹酯 o-Acetylcolumbianetin o-
- 羟基马尿酸 o-Hydroxyhippuric acid o-
- 甲基-α-D-吡喃葡糖苷 o-Methyl-α-D-glucopyranoside 3-o-
- 甲基没食子酸 o-Methylgallic acid 3-o-
- 吡喃葡萄糖基-D-甘露糖醇 o-α-D-Glucopyranosyl-D-mannitol 1-o-α-D-
- 赭曲霉素A Ochratoxin A
- 二十八碳烷 Octacosane
- 3-辛醇 Octanol
- 1-辛醇 Octanol
- 3-辛酮 Octanone
- 2-辛酮 Octanone
- 氯化锦葵色素-3-β-葡糖苷 Oenin chloride
- 香柠檬油 Oil of bergamot
- 白千层油 Oil of cajeput
- 香茅油 Oil of citronella
- 桉树油 Oil of eucalyptus
- 老鹳草油 Oil of geranium
- 柚子油 Oil of grapefruit
- 西蒙得油 Oil of jojoba
- 熏衣草油 Oil of lavander
- 白柠檬油 Oil of limette
- 橙油 Oil of orange
- 绿叶油/广藿香油 Oil of patchouly
- 玫瑰油 Oil of rose
- 迷迭香油 Oil of rosemary
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