- 制药机械名词术语 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 隆乳手术 breast augmentation
- 乳癌 breast cancer
- 乳腺癌 breast cancer
- 乳腺的发育 Breast Development
- 隆乳 breast enlargement
- 乳房提升手术 breast lift
- 乳腺肿块 breast lump
- 母乳 breast nursing
- 喂母乳 breast nursing
- 巨乳缩小手术 Breast Reduction, Reduction mammaplasty
- 哺母乳 Breast-feeding
- 乳蕾 Breastbuds
- 臀位 breech position
- 牙桥 bridge
- 脆碎仪 brittleness tester
- 花椰菜 broccoli
- 狐臭 bromhidrosis
- 支气管炎 bronchitis
- 杂音 bruit
- 夜间磨牙 bruxism
- 夜间磨牙症 bruxism
- 恶霸 bully
- 香火 burning incense
- 肩关节滑囊炎 bursitis of shoulder
- 五十肩 bursitis of shoulder