- 施工建筑专业英语词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 洗液 wash water
- 洗涤箱,洗涤槽 wash(ing) tank
- 洗瓶 wash-bottle
- 洗出移液管 wash-out pipette
- 可洗性 washability
- 洗煤 washed coal
- 已清洗烟气,已除尘烟气 washed gas
- 已清洗蒸汽 washed steam
- 洗涤器,洗净器,蒸汽清洗器;垫片,垫圈,衬垫 washer
- 螺母垫圈 washer of nut
- 垫圈状热敏电阻器 washer thermistor
- 洗煤泥浆 washery slurry
- 洗矸 washery waste
- 洗涤废水;洗涤物,洗刷剂 washes
- 洗涤,清洗,冲洗;[复数]洗涤液 washing
- 洗涤剂 washing agent
- 洗涤和去污系统 washing and decontamination system
- 洗水池和污水槽 washing basin and sewage sink
- 洗涤柱,洗涤塔 washing column
- 冲洗侵蚀 washing erosion
- 洗滤器 washing filter
- 冲洗历时,冲洗时间 washing length
- 洗液 washing liquid
- 洗液 washing liquor
- 清洗介质 washing medium