- 施工建筑专业英语词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 温度不稳定性 temperature instability
- 温度计 temperature instrument
- 测温仪表 temperature instrumentation
- 逆温;温度逆增 temperature inversion
- 温度飞跃系数 temperature jump coefficient
- 温度极限 temperature limit
- 限温继电器,过热继电器 temperature limiting relay
- 热损失 temperature loss
- 温度限度 temperature margin
- 温度测量 temperature measurement
- 温度测量系统 temperature measurement system
- 温度测位 temperature measuring station
- 温度测量热电偶 temperature measuring thermocouple
- 温度监控 temperature monitoring
- (原子的)热运动 temperature motion
- 温度噪声 temperature noise
- 化学容积极控制系统的冷却剂进口温度 temperature of coolant entering the chemical and volume control system
- 返回反应堆冷却剂系统的冷却剂温度 temperature of coolant returned to the reactor coolant system
- 排气温度,排风温度 temperature of outgoing air
- 供汽压力 temperature of supply steam
- 测温式过载继电器,温度检测式过载继电器 temperature overload relay
- 温度超调 temperature overshoot
- 温度场 temperature pattern
- 温度峰值 temperature peak
- 温度传感器,温度上升,温度感受器 temperature pickup