- 施工建筑专业英语词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 温差 TEMP DIFF (temperature difference)
- 回火;调节;变柔软;韧度;钢的含碳量 temper
- 回火脆性 temper brittleness
- 回火裂纹 temper crack
- 回火脆性 temper embrittlement
- 温度 temperature
- 温度适应 temperature acclimation
- 热动开关 temperature actuated switch
- 温度调节曲线 temperature adjustment curve
- 过热信号器,过热警报器,过热信号 temperature alarm
- 减温减压器 temperature and pressure reducer
- 温度平衡;温度均衡 temperature balance
- 温度范围 temperature band
- 温度表现,温度特性,温度变化情况 temperature behavio(u)r
- 加热器;预热器,加热器室 temperature booster
- 温度边界层 temperature boundary layer
- 测温包,热敏元件 temperature bulb
- 温度标定 temperature calibration
- 温度变化 temperature change
- 温度特性,温度特性[曲线] temperature characteristic
- 温度曲线 temperature chart
- 耐热等级,绝缘等级 temperature classification
- 温度系数 temperature coefficient
- (反应性)温度系数反馈 temperature coefficient feedback
- 温度延迟系数 temperature coefficient of delay